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宮尾研究室3D関係英文論文集 Miyao Labs 3D related English papers


Simultaneous Measurement of Lens Accommodation and Convergence to Objects. Tomoki SHIOMI, Hiroki HORI, Satoshi HASEGAWA, Hiroki TAKADA, Masako OMORI,Yasuyuki MATSUURA,Hiromu ISHIO, Akira HASEGAWA, Tetsuya KANDA, and Masaru MIYAO. Forma (in press) 2011.
Comparison of 2D and 3D Vision Gaze with Simultaneous Measurements of Accommodation and Convergence. Hiroki HORI, Tomoki SHIOMI, Satoshi HASEGAWA, Hiroki TAKADA, Masako OMORI, Yasuyuki MATSUURA, Hiromu ISHIO, and Masaru MIYAO. Forma (in press) 2011.
実物体と2D映像,3D映像を用いた水晶体調節反応と輻輳運動の長時間同時測定 -若年者と中高齢者の立体視機構の違い-.塩見友樹, 堀弘樹, 長谷川聡, 高田宗樹, 大森正子, 松浦康之, 石尾広武, 長谷川旭, 神田哲也, 宮尾克.日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 (TVRSJ) 16(2):139-148, 2011.

Cigarette smoking, proteinuria, and renal function in middle-aged Japanese men from an occupational population Yuka Noborisaka, Masao Ishizaki, Minori Nakata, Yuichi Yamada, Ryumon Honda, Hitoshi Yokoyama, Masaru Miyao, Masaji Tabata. Environ Health Prev Med. DOI 10.1007/s12199-011-0234-x

Color sense test for job and learning ability. Takayanagi Y, Furuta M, Miyao M. Forma, in press, 2011.
Readability of Character Size for Car-Navigation Systems. Fujikake K, Hasegawa S, Omori M, Takada H, Miyao M. モバイル学会誌, 1(1)3-9, 2011.01.
教育用色覚検査としてのCMTの有用性. 高柳泰世,宮尾克,古田真司. 学校保健研究, 52(1): 63-70, 2010.04.
数字検出課題と地図読み上げ課題による液晶ディスプレイの評価. 藤掛和広, 長谷川聡, 大森正子, 髙田宗樹, 本多隆文, 宮尾克. 産業保健人間工学研究, 10(1):24-30, 2009.12.
ケータイ画面表示文字の視認性と加齢効果. 松沼正平,長谷川聡,梅崎太造,藤掛和広,大森正子,宮尾克. 日本福祉工学会誌, 11(1):20-25, 2009.05.
Erratum: Hiroshima survivors exposed to very low doses of A-bomb primary radiation showed a high risk for cancers. Miyao M, Watanabe T, Honda R, Yamada Y. Environ Health Prev Med. 14(3):209, 2009.05.
Hiroshima Survivors Exposed to Very Low Doses of A-bomb Primary Radiation Showed a High Risk for Cancers. Watanabe T, Miyao M, Honda R and Yamada Y, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine,13(5):264-270, 2008.09.
Power_Point_in_English “Hiroshima Survivors Exposed to Very Low Doses of A-bomb Primary Radiation Showed a High Risk for Cancers” 広島の初期放射線低線量被爆者は高い発がんリスクを示した」の英語版パワーポイント
上記の “Hiroshima Survivors Exposed to Very Low Doses of A-bomb Primary Radiation Showed a High Risk for Cancers” 広島の初期放射線低線量被爆者は高い発がんリスクを示した」日本語版パワーポイント
Effects of aging and display contrast on the legibility of characters on mobile phone screens. Hasegawa S, Miyao M, Matsunuma S, Fujikake K and Omori M. “iJIM http://www.ijim.org” 2(4):7-12, 2008.10.
Readability of characters on mobile phone liquid crystal displays. Hasegawa S, Fujikake K, Omori M, Miyao M. Int J Occu Safety Ergonomics (JOSE), 14(3):293-304, 2008.10.
Visual cognitive performance of elderly people: Effects on reading time of age, character size and visual distance. Omori M, Miyao M, Kanamori H, Atsumi B. Behaviour and Information Technology, 27(4):313-318, 2008.07.
The role of malocclusion in non-obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Miyao E, Noda A, Miyao M, Yasuma F, Inafuku I. Internal Medicine, 47: 1573-1578, 2008.
Evaluation of high quality LCDs displaying moving pictures, on the basis of the form obtained from statokinesigrams. Fujikake K, Miyao M, Honda R, Omori M, Matsunuma S, Matsuura Y, Takada H. Forma, 22:199-206, 2007.
Associations of periodontal damage and tooth loss with atherogenic factors among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Furukawa T. Wakai K. Yamanouchi K. Oshida Y. Miyao M. Watanabe T. Sato Y. Internal Medicine, 46(17)1359-1364, 2007.
ノートパソコンの液晶ディスプレイの高さに関する人間工学的一考察. 斎藤真, 大西範和, 加藤象二郎, 宮尾克, 長江拓子, 池浦良淳, 水谷一樹. 日本経営工学会論文誌, 58:10-16, 2007.
Readability of characters on mobile phone liquid crystal displays. Hasegawa S, Fujikake K, Omori M, Miyao M. Int J Occu Safety Ergonomics. 14(3):293-304, 2008.
Oral appliance therapy for a child with sleep apnea syndrome due to palatine tonsil hypertrophy. Miyao E, Nakayama M, Noda A, Miyao M, Arasaki H. Sleep and Biological Rhysms, 5(4):288-290, 2007.
二重課題を用いた加齢による視覚情報処理能力の検討. 河本健一郎、山口知佐子、和気展二、宮尾克、大森正子、守本典子、和気洋美. 視覚の科学, 27(3):54-58, 2006.
[総説] 携帯電話における多言語表示-携帯電話の災害時利用- 長谷川聡・宮尾克. システム/制御/情報:システム制御情報学会誌, 50(6):232-237, 2006.
Aging effects on the visibility of graphic text on mobile phones. Hasegawa S., Matsunuma S, Omori M, Miyao M. Gerontechnology. 4(4):200-208, 2006.
高齢者の運転状況と認知症ドライバーに関する意識調査. 渡辺智之, 藤掛和広, 宮尾克, 小長谷陽子, 柴山漠人. 日本医事新報. 4295:81-84, 2006.
Applications of Double-Wayland Algorithm to Detect Anomalous Signals. Takada H., Morimoto,T., Tsunashima, H., Yamazaki, T., Hoshina, H., Miyao M. Forma. 21(2):159-167, 2006.
携帯電話における文字画像メールの利用とその視認性. 松沼正平,長谷川聡,大森正子,宮尾克. 人間工学. 42(5):313-319, 2006.
Multilingual disaster information delivery using graphic text for mobile phones. Hasegawa S, Sato K, Matsunuma S, Miyao M, Okamoto K. AI & Society. 19(3):265-278, 2005.
若年女性を対象とした睡眠時胃電図の解析,松浦康之,横山清子,高田宗樹,宮尾克. 信学技報 MBE 2005-6. 21-24, 2005.
地震災害における外国人の被害と災害情報提供.佐藤久美,岡本耕平,高橋公明,田中正造,山岡耕春,宮尾克. 社会医学研究. 22:21-28, 2004.
立体映像に対する水晶体調節の測定. 大森正子、宮尾克、長谷川聡、石原伸哉、石垣尚男、田原博史. Vision. 4:223-226, 2004.
高齢者にとって見やすい携帯情報端末・液晶モニタ. 藤掛和広, 向井希宏, 神作博, 三好正伸, 大森正子, 宮尾克. 人間工学. 40:218-227, 2004.
Characteristic changes of sway of center of gravity with advancing age. Takada H, Kitaoka Y, Iwase S, Shimizu Y, Watanabe T, Nakayama M, Miyao M, Mihashi K. Env Med. 47:85-89, 2004.
循環器疾患死亡除去によるコホート生命表への影響. 渡辺智之、水野裕、大森正子、福田博美、宮尾克、大沢功、佐藤祐造、長谷川敏彦. 厚生の指標. 50:14-18, 2003.
The Number of Autocatalytic Reactions in Systems of Oscillating Reaction. Takada H, Shimizu Y,Mitao M. Forma. 18:67-82, 2003.
An attempt at preventing asthenopia among VDT workers. Omori M, Watanabe T, Takai J, Takada H, Miyao M. Int J Occup Saf Ergon. 9:453-462, 2003.
重心動揺における幾何学的な指標の物理学的意味-アルコール摂取時の解析-. 高田宗樹,北岡良之,市川真澄,宮尾克. Equilibrium Res. 16(3):168-180, 2003.
Analysis of sex, age and disease factors contributing to prolonged life expectancy at birth, in cases of malignant neoplasms in Japan. Watanabe T, Omori M, Fukuda H, Takada H, Miyao M, Mizuno Y, Ohsawa I, Sato Y, Hasegawa T. J Epidemiol. 13(3):169-175, 2003.05.
Influence of death from circulatory diseases on life expectancy at birth in Japan. Watanabe T, Omori M, Fukuda H, Takada H, Miyao M, Ohsawa I, Sato Y, Hasegawa. J Epidemiol. 12(6):450-456, 2002.11.
Visibility and characteristics of the mobile phones for elderly people. Omori M, Watanabe T, Takai J, Takada H, Miyao M. Behaviour & Information Technology. 21:313-316, 2002.
重心動揺検査を用いた音響付き3次元立体画像の複合現実感の評価法. 高田宗樹,宮尾克,大森正子,渡辺智之. 電気情報通信学会報. 236:25-32, 2002.
Accommodative load from handheld game consoles in kindergarten children. Sakata T, Miyao M, Ishigaki H, Shiraiwa Y, Ishihara S, Furuta M, Kondo T, Toyoshima H. Environ Health Prev Med. 6:109-112, 2001.
立体画像を利用したコンピュータ作業者のリラクゼーション. 大森正子,渡辺智之,宮尾克,中石 仁,小西美智子,石原伸哉,泉原雅之.3Dフォーラム. 14:43-46, 2000.
Differential diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients and snorers using cephalograms. Miyao E, Miyao M, Ohta T, Okawa M, Inafuku S, Nakayama M, Goto S. Psychiatry Clin Neurosc. 54(6):659-664, 2000.
Sensitive pupil response of early-onset Alzheimer’s patients to a dilute mixture of cholinergic antagonist and α-adrenergic stimulant. Takagi A, Miyao M, Ishihara M, Kondo T, Sakakibara H, Toyoshima H, Kono K. Environ Health Prev Med. 4(1):49-53, 1999.
Reply on age effects of pupil dilation among Alzheimer’s patients. Miyao M, Takagi A, Komo K. J Am Geriat Soc. 47:1275-1276, 1999.
Age effects on pupil dilation among Alzheimer’s patients. Takagi A, Ishihara S, Kondo T, Sakakibara H, Toyoshima H, Kono K, Iguchi A, Yoshida F, Miyao M. J Am Geriatr Soc. 47(2):257-8. 1999.
Ergonomic evaluation of working posture of VDT operation using personal computer with flat panel display. Saito S, Miyao M, Kondo T, Sakakibara H, Toyoshima H. Industrial Health. 35(2):264-270, 1997.
アルツハイマー型痴呆,ダウン症患者の抗コリン剤点眼に対する縮瞳過敏反応. 河野和彦,宮尾克,石原伸哉,高木歩. 日本老年医学会雑誌. 33(11):829-834, 1996.
Visual accommodation and subject performance during a stereographic object task using liquid crystal shutters. Miyao M, Ishihara SY, Saito S, Kondo TA, Sakakibara H, Toyoshima H. Ergonomics. 39:1294-1309, 1996.
On the focal distance of the eye during sighting in pistol shooting. Ishigaki, Hisao, Edagawa, Hiroshi, Miyao, Masaru. Perceptual and Motor Skills. Missoula, 81(1):191-194, Aug 1995.
A matched-pair longitudinal study on the relationship between maternal smoking and head circumference of newborns. Miyao M、 Furuta M, Matsushita Y, Ogiso M, Ishihara S, Teo PC. Tohoku J Experimental Medicine, 175(2):135-137, 1995.
update: 2011/11/07 | 研究成果

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